Big and Tall Workshop
Parametric design is becoming more and more a well-established strategy of designing and validating during the design phase. One of its highest potentials is the possibility to use parameters and geometric associations for modelling a (design) logic. Among other advantages, parametric techniques allow the automatic generation of many design alternatives, which can then be explored and assessed according to various design criteria. However parametric design requires a specific skill set in order to achieve truly a generative design flow, i.e. to let the design evolve continuously from new design input, validation and adjustments. As an example, defining the associations among the geometric entities of the model requires the explicit representation of a meaningful strategy to which the association responds; and without which the (automatically generated) solution space of the model might result un-meaningful for the project. Considering these and other perspectives, what are the main aspects involved with parametric design and what systems/ strategies currently exist to validate such models?