TU Delft


There are many books available. one question we get quite regularly is: which (Maya) book should I buy? On this page you'll find some recommended titles you could consider.


Mastering Revit Title: Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2013
ISBN: 978-1-1181-7408-1
Publisher: Wiley

Maya - Basics

Maya Foundation Title: Learning Maya 7 | Foundation
ISBN: 1894893743
Publisher: Alias / Sybex

The Art of Maya Title: The Art of Maya
ISBN: 1894893824
Publisher: Alias / Sybex

Maya - Advanced

Maya Killer Tips Title: Maya 6 Killer Tips
ISBN: 0321278534
Publisher: New Riders Press

Learnign Maya Dynamics Title: Learning Maya 6 Dynamics
ISBN: 1894893697
Publisher: Sybex

Maya / Mental Ray rendering

3D Environment Lighting Title: 3D Environment Lighting
ISBN: - Buy PDF Online
Publisher: 3DTotal.com
Author: Florian Wild (Floze)

Maya Scripting/ Programming

MEL Fundamentals Title: Learning Maya 5 | MEL Fundamentals
ISBN: 978-1-894893-44-2
Publisher: Alias / Sybex

Complete Maya Programming Title: MEL Scripting for MAYA Animators
ISBN: 978-0-12-088793-4
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

Complete Maya Programming Title: Complete Maya Programming: An Extensive Guide to Mel and C++ Api
ISBN: 1558608354
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

Complete Maya Programming Vol2 Title: Complete Maya Programming: An In-depth Guide to 3D Fundamentals, Geometry, and Modeling Vol 2
ISBN: 0120884828
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann

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Faculty of Architecture

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