TU Delft

Over TOI

Technisch Ontwerp en Informatica is part of the Architectural Engineering + Technology department of the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology.

More information about us and our research depertment can be found on the Design Informatics Chair webpage.


An overview of some of the projects TOI has initiated or participated in, is listed on our projects page of this website.

Job openings

If you're looking for job openings (as a student assistant), please refer to our job openings page.

About this website

This website is designed using the XHTML 1.1 and CSS2 web standards. Internet Explorer < 7.0 doesn't support this standards sufficiently, causing the horizontal main menu bar not to be fully functional. Starting with version 7.0 this limitation no longer applies. Eventhough CSS2 is recommended, the website can still be used, allbeit less functional.

Our main criteria when building this website were: clear organization, easy administration and conforming to the web standards as much as possible. This should ensure that the website is easy to use for the visitor and easy to maintain for us.

If you have any remarks or suggestions about this website, please let us know through or website feedback page.

Valid XHTML 1.1 Valid CSS!

About TOI Quicklinks:
TOI-Pedia Logo

Digital course materials and tutorials library

» compleet overzicht
Script Icon 32

triangular face properties (2006-10-26)

» more scripts
TOI, TU Delft
Faculty of Architecture

e-mail: toi-bk@tudelft.nl
student mailpolicy

room 01+.West.040
Faculty of Architecture
Building 8
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft

Postal address:
TOI, room 01.West.130
P.O. box 5043
2600 GA Delft

3D Print Lab:
room 01.West.040

website feedback