TU Delft

TOI Mailpolicy

Complete and to-the-point
We receive a large volume of e-mail, which we have to process with limited resources. In order to keep it manageable, it's important to be complete and to-the-point.

Conform each e-mail subject to the following guidelines:

Handing in work

Work can never be handed in by e-mail. You should always use the submission pages available on this website. If the pages to hand in work are not or no longer available, contact us first without sending any attachments.

Questions for @Hok

All software and ICT related questions should be directed to @Hok.

Website: adhok.bk.tudelft.nl.

Questions for the BK Servicepoint

The computers at the faculty building are installed and maintained by the ICT department. Questions regarding malfunctions, configuration, installed software, access and availability should be directed to the Servicepoint.

Website: servicepoint.tudelft.nl.


You can find reviews of your work in the marking overview in infoBase.
Only when the work of all students has been graded, the grades are submitted to OSIRIS. The period for grading is 20 workdays (4 weeks).

E-mail subject

You should use the following subject:

E-mails subjects regarding education should be generally formatted like this: courseCode studentnumber subject


No obvious questions
Grades and whether your work has been graded yet: infoBase grades.
Dates and times for tests and classes: OSA Timetables or Blackboard.
Our office hours (spreekuur): TOI Organization.
Opportunities for courses, tests and re-sits: TU Delft study guide.
Re-sits of our courses: Herkansingen.
Missed deadlines: Don't mail (unless you have an excused absence).

Properly formatted subject
Make sure the subject is properly formatted. Use the form above to construct a proper subject for your e-mail. General principle: CourseCode StudentNumber Subject.

Don't send any work
You can't submit ANY work by e-mail. All products should be submitted into infoBase. Attachments are deleted without notification! More information on handing in work.

Separate e-mail for each course
If you have questions regarding multiple courses, send a separate e-mail for each course.

No software and computer problems
We don't respond to e-mails regarding software and computer problems. You can ask these questions at @Hok Student ICT Support.

We can't guarantee quick processing of e-mail, so don't rely on it for urgent matters. Replying to e-mail isn't our highest priority.

We're not a general help-desk; we can only assist you with matters directly regarding our courses. See above.

Although all employees have a personal TU-Delft email address, please always use our general, functional email address toi-bk@tudelft.nl. Personal mailboxes may not be read for a prolonged period of time, e.g. during holidays or leave of absence; our functional email is frequently read by one of the colleagues however.

These guidelines are intended to keep things manageable and to be clear on what is and what is not viable.

Background information

On average we receive 60 e-mails a week; that's more than 3000 each year. We send about 2400 each year.

We acknowledge that e-mail is a very direct, powerful and convenient means of communication, but it's also prone to be misused (mostly due to laziness). It's easy to write an e-mail while it might only take you a minute to find the answer yourself.

So we won't respond to just any e-mail. If you have a real question, we're happy to help you. Please help us as much as you can: don't mail us unless you really need to and write clear, complete and to-the-point e-mails.









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Digital course materials and tutorials library

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TOI, TU Delft
Faculty of Architecture

e-mail: toi-bk@tudelft.nl
student mailpolicy

room 01+.West.040
Faculty of Architecture
Building 8
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft

Postal address:
TOI, room 01.West.130
P.O. box 5043
2600 GA Delft

3D Print Lab:
room 01.West.040

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