TOI courses organization
Contact / Cijfer en herkansers spreekuur
All questions regarding grades, course organization and re-sits should be directed to the coordinators during our office hours.
The list below shows (up to) the next 6 office hours. Note that the actual hours may change (until 12 hours before), so re-check the schedule beforehand.
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General questions can be answered by email, but please use the office hours for detailed, personal questions or questions that demand an elaborate answer, as mentioned above.
When contacting any of the course coordinators through email, always use our general email address, which is read by all course coordinators. Please do not use their personal email addresses.
Refer to our mail policy for further information.
- BK2OV2 Informatica - Thijs Welman
- BK3OV3 - Winfried Meijer
- AR0051 - Nord-Jan Vermeer
- AR0771 - Thijs Welman
- AR1AE015 - Paul de Ruiter
Bachelor < 2013-2014
- BK2070 - Thijs Welman
- BK3070 - Axel van Zalingen
- BK4070 - Winfried Meijer
See the full schedule of upcomming office hours.