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Non-linear grid optimization (surface relaxation) update 11-4-2007

Author: Marcel Haasnoot
Date: 2006-10-03


Applies (internal) surface relaxation using dynamic relaxation to a polygon surface, in order to optimize the surface grid or to make minimal surfaces


Source this .mel file.
Run nlgo; to bring up the interface.

Select the vertices of the polygon surface you wish to optimize and then run the optimization from the interface.
If you invoke the surface constraint for internal surface relaxation, the vertices will remain within the selected nurbs-surface. You can additionally invoke the curve constraint on selected curves. In this case, first select the surface, then the curves and finally the vertices.
Be aware! The script makes use of flushUndo to speed up the processing.


Script type mel nonlinear_grid_optimization_surface_relaxation.mel Download - View source


surface relaxation optimization


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