Deletes single frames or whole frame ranges from the current fluid effect’s enabled cache. For example, you can truncate the beginnings or ends of the enabled fluid cache.
Fluid nCache > Delete
Cache Frame >
Opens the Delete Fluid Cache Frames Options window. This window lets you specify which fluid cache frames are to be deleted from the current object’s enabled fluid cache.
Specifies that the deleted frames are saved as new and separate fluid cache files on disk and are renamed using the prefix backup. For example, if you delete frame 20 from the Ocean fluid cache, then frame 20 is saved to disk as and a new .xml description file is generated for the deleted cache frame.
Specifies that the deleted frames are saved as new and separate fluid cache files on disk using the custom name specified in the Custom renaming of removed frames field. For example, if the custom name you specify is deleted20Ocean1 and you delete frame 20 from the Ocean1 fluid cache, then frame 20 is saved to disk as and a new .xml description file is generated for the deleted cache frame.