Reversing the face normal
on a polygon face switches the “front” and “back” facing direction
of the face. Vertex normals are usually computed from the face normals,
so they are affected as well.
reverse face normals
- Select the faces you want to reverse:
- Select
Normals > Reverse >
- Set the Reverse normals on
option to one of the following:
- To reverse the face normals of selected
faces, choose Selected faces.
- To reverse face normals and vertex normals
and then extract the vertices, choose Selected faces then
- To reverse face normals of all (selected
or unselected) faces in the shell, choose All faces in the shell.
- Click Reverse Normals.
faces option can result in non-manifold geometry, where
polygons that share an edge but have reversed normals. Some tools cannot
work with non-manifold geometry. See
Clean up, simplify, or validate meshes.
To avoid creating non-manifold
geometry, use the Selected faces then extract
option. This option will split vertices so as not to create non-manifold geometry.
To flip all normals to the same
- Select the faces.
- Select
Normals > Conform.
The normals flip to the
side shared by the majority of all faces.