Create Deformers >
Jiggle Disk Cache >
Cache Time Range
Specifies which frames are cached. It is easiest to cache the entire frame range of the Time Line. However, you can create smaller cache files to conserve disk space by caching only the frames where objects jiggle.
Caches the frame range specified in the Frame Range section of the Render Settings window.
For more information, see Render Settings window.
Oversampling and undersampling specify how often Maya calculates jitter per frame.
A Rate value of 2 or larger decreases the precision of the cached jiggle, but quickens the caching operation. An Under Sample Rate of 2, for instance, means Maya calculates jitter once every two frames.
If a jiggling object collides unrealistically with a rigid body, select Over Sample and set a Rate that matches the Over Samples setting available in Solvers > Edit Oversampling or Cache Settings.