//- // ========================================================================== // Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk // license agreement provided at the time of installation or download, // or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic // or hard copy form. // ========================================================================== //+ #include <maya/MPxCommand.h> #include <maya/MPxNode.h> // // Class: latticeNoiseCmd // // Description: // The latticeNoise command creates a new lattice (ffd) deformer. A // latticeNoise node is placed between the deformed lattice shape and the // actual deformer node. This causes the deformed object to wobble as // random continuous noise is added to the pointes of the lattice. // // eg // This causes the currently selected object to be deformed // // latticeNoise; // // This causes the specified geometry to be deformed // // latticeNoise sphereShape1; // class MArgList; class latticeNoiseCmd : public MPxCommand { public: latticeNoiseCmd() {}; virtual ~latticeNoiseCmd() {}; MStatus doIt( const MArgList& args ); static void* creator(); }; // // Class: latticeNoiseNode // // Description: // A "latticeNoise" node adds random noise to lattice geometry over time. // This makes the geometry being deformed by the lattice look like // wobbly jello. // // // Node: latticeNoise // // Attributes: input - input lattice // amplitude - amplitude of the noise // frequency - frequency of the noise // time - the current time // output - the modified lattice // class latticeNoiseNode : public MPxNode { public: latticeNoiseNode() {}; virtual ~latticeNoiseNode() {}; virtual MStatus compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ); static void* creator(); static MStatus initialize(); public: static MObject input; // The input lattice. static MObject amplitude; // The noise amplitude. static MObject frequency; // The noise frequency. static MObject time; // The time. static MObject output; // The output lattice. static MTypeId id; // The IFF type id }; // // Class: noise // // Description: // The noise class is used for generating pseudo-random continuous noise. // The noise values generated are always between 0 and 1. // // The technique used is a simple lattice noise algorithm based upon one // by Ken Perlin. This particular implementation is adapted from // Darwyn Peachey's (Texturing and Modeling: a Procedural Approach, // S. Ebert Editor, 1994). // #define TABLE_SIZE 256 extern const int kTableMask; #define MODPERM(x) permtable[(x)&kTableMask] typedef struct { float x; float y; float z; } pnt; class noise { public: static float atValue( float x ); static float atPoint( float x, float y, float z ); static pnt atPointAndTime( float x, float y, float z, float t ); static void initTable( long seed ); private: static int permtable [256]; static float valueTable1 [256]; static float valueTable2 [256]; static float valueTable3 [256]; static int isInitialized; static float spline( float x, float knot0, float knot1, float knot2, float knot3 ); static float value( int x, int y, int z, float table[] = valueTable1 ); static float value( int x, int y, int z, int t, float table[] = valueTable1 ); static float value( int x, float table[] = valueTable1 ); }; inline float noise::value( int x, int y, int z, int t, float table[] ) { return table[MODPERM( x + MODPERM( y + MODPERM( z + MODPERM( t ) ) ) )]; } inline float noise::value( int x, int y, int z, float table[] ) { return table[MODPERM( x + MODPERM( y + MODPERM( z ) ) )]; } inline float noise::value( int x, float table[] ) { return table[MODPERM( x )]; }
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