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The script will # create a new "Circle" menu with a single item. Selecting this will build # a simple model (a sphere which follows a circular path) which can be played back, # by clicking on the "play" icon on the time slider. Note: the circleNode # plugin needs to be loaded before the "Circle" menu item can be executed # properly. # # The node has two additional attributes which can be changed to affect # the animation, "scale" which defines the size of the circular path, and # "frames" which defines the number of frames required for a complete circuit # of the path. Either of these can be hooked up to other nodes, or can # be simply set via the command "maya.cmds.setAttr" operating on the circle node # "circleNode1" created by the Python script. For example: # # import maya.cmds as cmds # cmds.setAttr("circleNode1.scale", #) # # will change the size of the circle and: # # cmds.setAttr("circleNode1.frames", #) # # will cause objects to complete a circle in indicated number of frames. # import math, sys import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya import maya.OpenMayaMPx as OpenMayaMPx kPluginNodeTypeName = "spCircle" kPluginNodeId = OpenMaya.MTypeId(0x87005) # Node definition class circle(OpenMayaMPx.MPxNode): # class variables aInput = OpenMaya.MObject() aScale = OpenMaya.MObject() aFrames = OpenMaya.MObject() aSOutput = OpenMaya.MObject() aCOutput = OpenMaya.MObject() def __init__(self): OpenMayaMPx.MPxNode.__init__(self) def compute(self, plug, data): # Check that the requested recompute is one of the output values if (plug == circle.aSOutput or plug == circle.aCOutput): # Read the input values inputData = data.inputValue(circle.aInput) scaleData = data.inputValue(circle.aScale) framesData = data.inputValue(circle.aFrames) # Compute the output values currentFrame = inputData.asFloat() scaleFactor = scaleData.asFloat() framesPerCircle = framesData.asFloat() angle = 6.2831853 * (currentFrame/framesPerCircle) sinResult = math.sin(angle) * scaleFactor cosResult = math.cos(angle) * scaleFactor # Store them on the output plugs sinHandle = data.outputValue(circle.aSOutput) cosHandle = data.outputValue(circle.aCOutput) sinHandle.setFloat(sinResult) cosHandle.setFloat(cosResult) data.setClean(plug) else: return OpenMaya.MStatus.kUnknownParameter return OpenMaya.MStatus.kSuccess # creator def nodeCreator(): return OpenMayaMPx.asMPxPtr( circle() ) # initializer def nodeInitializer(): nAttr = OpenMaya.MFnNumericAttribute() # Setup the input attributes circle.aInput = nAttr.create("input", "in", OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0) nAttr.setStorable(True) circle.aScale = nAttr.create("scale", "sc", OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 10.0) nAttr.setStorable(True) circle.aFrames = nAttr.create("frames", "fr", OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 48.0) nAttr.setStorable(True) # Setup the output attributes circle.aSOutput = nAttr.create("sineOutput", "so", OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0) nAttr.setWritable(False) nAttr.setStorable(False) circle.aCOutput = nAttr.create("cosineOutput", "co", OpenMaya.MFnNumericData.kFloat, 0.0,) nAttr.setWritable(False) nAttr.setStorable(False) # Add the attributes to the node circle.addAttribute(circle.aInput) circle.addAttribute(circle.aScale) circle.addAttribute(circle.aFrames) circle.addAttribute(circle.aSOutput) circle.addAttribute(circle.aCOutput) # Set the attribute dependencies circle.attributeAffects(circle.aInput, circle.aSOutput) circle.attributeAffects(circle.aInput, circle.aCOutput) circle.attributeAffects(circle.aScale, circle.aSOutput) circle.attributeAffects(circle.aScale, circle.aCOutput) circle.attributeAffects(circle.aFrames, circle.aSOutput) circle.attributeAffects(circle.aFrames, circle.aCOutput) # initialize the script plug-in def initializePlugin(mobject): mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(mobject, "Autodesk", "1.0", "Any") try: mplugin.registerNode( kPluginNodeTypeName, kPluginNodeId, nodeCreator, nodeInitializer ) except: sys.stderr.write( "Failed to register node: %s" % kPluginNodeTypeName ) raise # uninitialize the script plug-in def uninitializePlugin(mobject): mplugin = OpenMayaMPx.MFnPlugin(mobject) try: mplugin.deregisterNode( kPluginNodeId ) except: sys.stderr.write( "Failed to deregister node: %s" % kPluginNodeTypeName ) raise
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