#ifndef _cgfxShaderCmd_h_ #define _cgfxShaderCmd_h_ // // Copyright (C) 2002-2003 NVIDIA // // File: cgfxShaderCmd.h // // MEL Command: cgfxShader // // Author: Maya SDK Wizard // // Changes: // 10/2003 Kurt Harriman - www.octopusgraphics.com +1-415-893-1023 // Multiple UV sets; user-specified texcoord assignment; // error handling. // 12/2003 Kurt Harriman - www.octopusgraphics.com +1-415-893-1023 // - Added members: fListTechniques, fCaseInsensitive, // fDescription, fOldeTechnique, fOldSelection, // fNewTechnique, fNodeSelection // - Deleted members: fSemantic, fTechnique // - Deleted class cgfxShaderCmd::InternalError // - Changed: redoCmd(), fDagMod // - Use MDGModifier instead of MDagModifier // //- // ========================================================================== // Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk // license agreement provided at the time of installation or download, // or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic // or hard copy form. // ========================================================================== //+ #include "cgfxShaderCommon.h" #include <maya/MPxCommand.h> #include <maya/MSyntax.h> #include <maya/MArgList.h> #include <maya/MSelectionList.h> #include <maya/MString.h> #include <maya/MStringArray.h> #include <maya/MDGModifier.h> #include "cgfxAttrDef.h" #include <Cg/cg.h> #include <Cg/cgGL.h> class MArgList; class cgfxShaderCmd : public MPxCommand { public: cgfxShaderCmd(); virtual ~cgfxShaderCmd(); MStatus doIt( const MArgList& ); MStatus redoIt(); MStatus undoIt(); bool isUndoable() const; static MSyntax newSyntax(); static void* creator(); static MString sPluginPath; // directory path for scripts etc. private: MStatus doCmd( const MArgList& ); MStatus redoCmd( MObject& oNode, MFnDependencyNode& fnNode, cgfxShaderNode* pNode ); MStatus undoCmd(); MStatus parseArgs(const MArgList& args, MSelectionList& selList); // Command line flags MString fArgString; // all of the args bool fIsEdit; // -e / -edit bool fIsQuery; // -q / -query bool fMaxTexCoords; // -mtc / -maxTexCoords bool fPluginPath; // -pp / -pluginPath bool fEmptyUV; // -euv / -emptyUV bool fEmptyUVShapes; // -eus / -emptyUVShapes bool fListParameters; // -lp / -listParameters bool fListTechniques; // -lt / -listTechniques bool fTexCoordSource; // -tcs / -texCoordSource #if MAYA_API_VERSION >= 700 bool fColorSource; // -cs / -colorSource #endif bool fCaseInsensitive; // -ci / -caseInsensitive bool fDescription; // -des / -description // Are we listing a single parameter // MString fParameterName; // For undo purposes, save the current state before making changes // MString fOldFxFile; MString fOldTechnique; MStringArray fOldAttributeList; CGeffect fOldEffect; cgfxAttrDefList* fOldAttrDefList; MSelectionList fOldSelection; // For redo purposes, save new current state after making changes // MString fNewFxFile; MString fNewTechnique; MStringArray fNewAttributeList; CGeffect fNewEffect; cgfxAttrDefList* fNewAttrDefList; // For undo and redo, // MSelectionList fNodeSelection; MString fNodeName; // Create only MDGModifier* fDagMod; // Error reporting void reportInternalError( const char* function, size_t errcode ); }; #endif /* _cgfxShaderCmd_h_ */
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