//- // ========================================================================== // Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Autodesk, Inc. and/or its licensors. All // rights reserved. // // The coded instructions, statements, computer programs, and/or related // material (collectively the "Data") in these files contain unpublished // information proprietary to Autodesk, Inc. ("Autodesk") and/or its // licensors, which is protected by U.S. and Canadian federal copyright // law and by international treaties. // // The Data is provided for use exclusively by You. You have the right // to use, modify, and incorporate this Data into other products for // purposes authorized by the Autodesk software license agreement, // without fee. // // The copyright notices in the Software and this entire statement, // including the above license grant, this restriction and the // following disclaimer, must be included in all copies of the // Software, in whole or in part, and all derivative works of // the Software, unless such copies or derivative works are solely // in the form of machine-executable object code generated by a // source language processor. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. // AUTODESK DOES NOT MAKE AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED // WARRANTIES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE WARRANTIES OF // NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR // PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE, OR // TRADE PRACTICE. IN NO EVENT WILL AUTODESK AND/OR ITS LICENSORS // BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUES, DATA, OR PROFITS, OR SPECIAL, // DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF AUTODESK // AND/OR ITS LICENSORS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY // OR PROBABILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. // // ========================================================================== //+ // NodeMonitor.cpp // DESCRIPTION: This class monitors a given node. // // TODO: Take care of renamed nodes. // // AUTHOR: Christian Laforte // #include <assert.h> #include "NodeMonitor.h" MObject getObjFromName(MString name, MStatus& stat) { MObject obj; MSelectionList list; // Attempt to add the given name to the selection list, // then get the corresponding dependency node handle. if (!list.add(name) || !list.getDependNode(0, obj)) { // Failed. stat = MStatus::kInvalidParameter; return obj; } // Successful. stat = MStatus::kSuccess; return obj; } // If a problem occurs, this function returns an empty string. MString getNameFromObj(MObject obj) { MString nodeName; // If this object is a MFnDagNode, we should store the dag name. // Otherwise, use the MFnDependencyNode name. if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kDagNode)) { MFnDagNode dagNode(obj); nodeName = dagNode.fullPathName(); } else if (obj.hasFn(MFn::kDependencyNode)) { MFnDependencyNode node(obj); nodeName = node.name(); } return nodeName; } //----------------------------------------------------------- // Public interface: //----------------------------------------------------------- NodeMonitor::NodeMonitor(NodeMonitorManager* manager /* = NULL */) { fNodeName = ""; fIsDirty = false; fRenamedCallbackId = 0; fDirtyCallbackId = 0; fManager = manager; } NodeMonitor::~NodeMonitor() { stopWatching(); } bool NodeMonitor::watch(MString nodeName) { // if already watching another object, release the callbacks. stopWatching(); fNodeName = nodeName; return attachCallbacks(); } bool NodeMonitor::watch(MObject nodeObj) { MString newNodeName = getNameFromObj(nodeObj); // If already watching another object, release the callbacks. stopWatching(); // Get the name of the given object... since an MObject is not // persistent. We'll use the name of the object to attach/re-attach // callbacks when necessary. if (newNodeName == "") { // This is bad. We've been given an invalid node object. // return false to indicate that an error occured. return false; } fNodeName = newNodeName; return attachCallbacks(); } void NodeMonitor::stopWatching() { if (fNodeName != "") { // Clean up the callbacks detachCallbacks(); fNodeName = ""; fIsDirty = false; } } bool NodeMonitor::dirty() { return fIsDirty; } void NodeMonitor::cleanIt() { if (dirty()) { // We have to re-attach the callback. attachCallbacks(); } fIsDirty = false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Private interface: //---------------------------------------------------------------- bool NodeMonitor::attachCallbacks() { // Make sure that there are no callbacks currently enabled. detachCallbacks(); MStatus stat; MObject node = getObjFromName(fNodeName, stat); if (!stat) { detachCallbacks(); return false; } fIsDirty = false; fDirtyCallbackId = MNodeMessage::addNodeDirtyCallback(node, watchedObjectDirtyCallback, this, &stat ); if (stat) { fRenamedCallbackId = MNodeMessage::addNameChangedCallback (node, watchedObjectRenamedCallback, this, &stat); } // If an error occured, detach any valid callback. if (!stat) { detachCallbacks(); return false; } return true; } void NodeMonitor::detachCallbacks() { MStatus stat; if (fDirtyCallbackId) { stat = MMessage::removeCallback(fDirtyCallbackId); assert(stat); } if (fRenamedCallbackId) { stat = MMessage::removeCallback(fRenamedCallbackId); assert(stat); } fRenamedCallbackId = 0; fDirtyCallbackId = 0; } void NodeMonitor::callbackOccured() { fIsDirty = true; // Detach the callback so that we don't get called needlessly. We'll // re-attach when the dirty bit is read back. detachCallbacks(); } // Callback functions. Those are called, respectively, when a node is dirty (has changed substantially), // or when a node is renamed. /*static*/ void NodeMonitor::watchedObjectDirtyCallback(void* clientData) { NodeMonitor* pMon = (NodeMonitor*) clientData; pMon->callbackOccured(); } /*static*/ void NodeMonitor::watchedObjectRenamedCallback(MObject & node, void* clientData) { NodeMonitor* pMon = (NodeMonitor*) clientData; // Get the new name of the node, and use it from now on. MString oldName = pMon->fNodeName; pMon->fNodeName = getNameFromObj(node); // Call the manager, if there's one. if (pMon->fManager != NULL) pMon->fManager->onNodeRenamed(node, oldName, pMon->fNodeName); pMon->callbackOccured(); }
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