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ObjectID Renderlayer Tools 1.1

Author: TOI - T.Welman
Date: 2014-03-21


Toolbox to generate objectID mask renderlayers for quick masking. Can automatically generate a mask layer based on existing shaders or can be used manually.

Tip: This script is part of the TOI Maya Toolbox. It's a collection of scripts with an easy-to-use installer.
The TOI Toolbox is available for download from our general downloads page.


Source the script and start with toi_oid_renderLayer();
In Manual mode, first add all objects or just the selected objects to a (new) renderLayer using the interface with a base bacl surface shader. Then select objects that you want to identify in you mask and assign them a ID shader. The interface will automatically bump the ID to the next value, so you can make you next selection and assign a new ID shader.


Script type mel objectid_renderlayer_tools.mel Download - View source


mask, renderlayer, id, photoshop


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TOI, TU Delft
Faculty of Architecture

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Faculty of Architecture
Building 8
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2628 BL Delft

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2600 GA Delft

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