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Sun Simulator 1.71

Author: TOI, T Welman
Date: 2007-11-07


This script calculates the altitude and azimuth for the sun for any given date, time and location. It can automatically rotate a directional light for you. It can also be used to create animations of the solar transit.

Tip: This script is part of the TOI Maya Toolbox. It's a collection of scripts with an easy-to-use installer.
The TOI Toolbox is available for download from our general downloads page.


1. Load the script (source script)
2. Launch the interface using the command: toi_sunSim();
3. Select the directional light to be used (optional)
4. Enter location and date and time

You have to manually select if Daylight Saving Time is in effect!

This script assumes a default directional light, resulting in the negative Z-axis pointing northward, but you can use the Orientation section to re-orient (and display a north arrow)


Script type mel sun_simulator.mel Download - View source


sun, simulation, simulator, sunsim, directional, azimuth, altitude, rotation


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TOI, TU Delft
Faculty of Architecture

e-mail: toi-bk@tudelft.nl
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room 01+.West.040
Faculty of Architecture
Building 8
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft

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TOI, room 01.West.130
P.O. box 5043
2600 GA Delft

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room 01.West.040

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